Integrated Management Systems

As Sistem Aluminyum family, undertake:

  • To be preferred by our customers by understanding customer expectations and needs correctly and responding quickly,
  • Have a responsibility to maintain and improve customer satisfaction,
  • Continuous development of the quality management system and progress towards professional excellence by improving production processes,
  • In order to increase the motivation of employees, to act fairly in the activities carried out and to develop and disseminate the knowledge, skills, awareness and responsibility behaviors of our employees in parallel,
  • To use our limited natural resources and energy effectively and to be transparent while maintaining all our activities human and environment oriented by minimizing the negative environmental effects caused by our activities,
  • Adopt compliance with all legislation and administrative regulations related to occupational health and safety as a basic requirement and take the necessary measures to prevent occupational / environmental accidents and occupational diseases and carry out improvement works,
  • Contribute to the development of our existing suppliers in order to be reliable while continuing our work,
  • To provide energy efficient products and services from our suppliers,
  • That we will fully comply with national/international legal regulations,
  • Effectively manage our business risks to make our integrated management system more efficient and effective,
  • Ensuring the reduction of waste at source within the framework of the life cycle; its reuse by decomposition, recycling and legal disposal of those necessary,
  • By our stakeholders, including our industry leading product safety and be an example to all competitors; technological developments, stakeholder demands, expectations and requirements, considering our policy of quality, environment and occupational health and safety practices in our risk and opportunity-driven approach to continuous review,
  • To provide information and necessary resources for the achievement of goals and objectives,

Together with all our employees, we are committed to placing the Concept of Total Quality in our company in accordance with the policies and values and ensuring its continuity.

Ayhan Yerekaban
